Military Grade Computing & PNT

Rack Mount Military Servers

Processor Type
Form Factor
LAN Ports
USB Ports
Serial Ports

Please note that final specifications may depend on selections you make during the system configuration stage.

Processor Type
Form Factor
LAN Ports
USB Ports
Serial Ports

Please note that final specifications may depend on selections you make during the system configuration stage.


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Why Choose a Rack Mount Military Server from Steatite?

Steatite design and supply a range of industrial computers that meet the certification requirements the are mandatory for certain industries, helping reduce cost, risk and time to market.

Fully certified – Certified computers have been fully approved to given industry standards by a recognised test house.
Compliant – Compliant PCs have been informally tested to particular standards, but are not fully certified.
Designed to meet – Industrial computers designed to meet particular standards help to reduce project risk.
Fast time to market – Industrial PCs designed to meet particular standards means you can launch you product sooner.
Reduced risk – A PC that has been tested to industry standards reduces the risk of certification failure significantly.
Lower cost – Both development costs and certification costs are reduced significantly by using an industry-specific PC.

If you would like to discuss your requirements with one of our experts, please get in touch.

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